Yonder On – Yonder App Review
Yonder On – Yonder App Review

Yonder On – Yonder App Review

yonder app review

Family Travel Go – Yonder On – Yonder App Review

We first discovered this awesome app through a Facebook link. After checking it out and reading the reviews in the app store we decided to give it a shot.

We instantly fell in love with the app. You can easily share photos and tag them by location, making it easy for you to see beautiful destinations nearby or along your own adventure route. You can also tag your photo by type, with many subjects such as geocaching, hiking, backpacking, outdoor photography and many more. It makes it easy to find the things you are most interested!

Overall we give the Yonder App a 5 of 5 because of the following reasons:

1. It is easy to use and  find new places to explore by searching by location.

2. It is filled with a wonderful community of people who truly love the outdoors.

3.  You can easily upload photos to share your favorite awesome places for others to see.

4. It is a great way to keep track of where you have been and see it your photos laid out on a map.

5. It is completely Free!

As of now the only way to enjoy the epicness of Yonder is through the app they do not have a web or desktop app yet. Download the app for yourself for Apple Iphone or Android by clicking Download Yonder

You can connect with us on Yonder by searching FamilyTravelGo (all one word) @familytravelgo  or by searching Dylan Myers. You can find Kayla by searching Kayla Myers @kaylamariemyers

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