Family Travel Go LLC
Family Travel Go Airbnb Coverage

Family Travel Go Airbnb Coverage

We love partnering with Airbnb hosts to share properties during our family adventures.

Let Family Travel Go LLC help market and promote your Airbnb.

We can create fresh new content highlighting your property.

What we can provide:


Family Travel Go Airbnb Coverage Package –


1. A Social Media Reel video

This video will highlight the property. This property specific video will be posted to our Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Newsbreak pages. The video can be shared to your social media pages as well.

Here are some examples of our Airbnb Reel Videos.

Cabin on 40 Acres in Muskogee Reel

Black Forest Inn Reel

Yurt in Shenandoah Crossing Resort, Virginia Reel

Million Dreams Cabin Reel

Spaceship Airbnb at a Million Dreams Cabins

2. Static Photo Social Media Posts

We use our years of photography experience to capture unique property photos that highlight the details of your property.

We will post 5-10 high quality photos on our Instagram and Facebook pages.


Black Forest Inn Photo Social Media Post

Rock Cottage Eureka Springs Social Media Post

Cabin on 40 Acres Static Photo Social Media Post

Spaceship at a Million Dreams Cabins

3. Property Dedicated Website Article

We will write a Property Article on our website with links to book your Airbnb.

In this article we will share a list of reasons to Stay on your property to our current audience and also share a link to the article on our social pages.


5 Reasons to stay at this Cabin on 40 Acres.

5 Reasons to Stay at Black Forest Inn B&B when visiting Mount Rushmore.

5 Reasons to Stay at Rock Cottage in Eureka Springs 

Bonus Addons

Links to property in other articles

We will add links to your property in our destination articles.

Examples :

20 Family Fun things to do in South Dakota (Property Mentioned and Linked in the middle of the article)

Grotto Wood Fired Grill Foodie Review  (Property Mentioned and linked in bottom of article)


30+ High Quality Property Photos.

A link to 30+ high quality photos of the property for you to use in your own marketing materials.

360 Degree Video

A 360 Degree VR Video posted to our YouTube Channel showing all angles of your property so potential guests can see exactly what they will be enjoying,


(To see the videos in their 360 degree format open within the YouTube App by clicking YOUTUBE on the video)


Mario Kart Gaming Video:

Want a real unique video that kids love? We can make a custom Mario kart track video of your property.

What hosts have said about us.

In reference to our Video and Article Coverage of the Cabin on 40 Acres Airbnb by Nick Christian

“Hey Dylan. The article, photos, and video were all fantastic! The whole family is so excited with the content that you created. We’re so glad that all of our hard work in making this a special place for guests is enjoyed by your family and many others. We look forward to promoting Family Travel Go in the future and supporting your business as well…..

Thank you again for everything and we’re so glad that both of our families have enjoyed working together on this. All the best!


Work with us

Please contact us in the form below for pricing and availability.

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See more info about us, our audience and other ways to work with us on our main Work with us Page and our Media Kit. .